Tuesday, August 23, 2011

From chores, to the SLUTWALK.....

          It's interesting where the day can take you. The entire first half of the day I was waging in a full scale battle with the ants. Yes, they came back. And no they are not here anymore. That is all I will say on the matter. The point is I went from that and the normal daily stuff to football to psychological thriller, and now I am completely stuck on a particular women's issue. Actually my mind is swimming in the possibilities and limitations, and chances lost and taken. Now, I find myself asking, where do we all go from here? Or are women not likely to stand proud together anymore?
          I am by nature an idealist. Unfortunately, I am also a pragmatist or maybe realist is a better word. I can see how I would like it to be, how I think it should be. I also see how it actually is. How it actually is, is never as good as it should be or could be. Sadly. But wait! What did I read recently? A story about the 'Slutwalk'. I was so thrilled, I almost did the happy dance!
          How I missed the original turn of events I don't know. How I only just caught on to it, I also don't know. For those of you who, like me, are late in getting information. The 'Slutwalk' is a march in which women and some men don slutty clothes and march with peaceful signs of protest. This has gone global! This is not just for fun, although I do enjoy a slutty parade here and there. Heh, heh. In all seriousness, this is a response to a single comment in Canada. A Canadian cop told a group of college girls that they should wear less slutty clothes if they wanted to avoid getting raped. Yeah. It didn't shock you? I'm not surprised. Me either. I wish it did.
          Really this march is not about just this one cop, that would be silly. It's about the fact that still, in the year 2011, all over the world, women are still shamed and blamed for a crime inflicted UPON them. Not just any crime, an extremely offensive and invasive crime. How many times have you heard the comments: 'Oh she must have wanted it.' or 'You know she wanted it, did you see what she was wearing?' or 'She probably liked it.' Need I go on? 
          It doesn't stop there. There are some places in this world in which the laws make it impossible for a woman to even call it rape. An example would be: if she had pants (jeans, trousers, etc) it couldn't be rape. I guess the thought (as dim as it is) would be that she had to take the pants off so she must have wanted it. Seriously?
          I was beginning to feel like women had lost the ability to stand up for themselves. It seemed like we were reverting to the 1950's or something. It was only a short time ago Michele Bachmann let the, "be submissive to your husbands," fly. Then of course there's Sarah Palin, a sad and disturbing poster-child for women. Now, luckily there is this march. I feel like there might be hope for us yet.
          I don't want you to get me wrong. I don't mean go out like crazy bitches on a payback mission. I just mean work on your strengths. Remember, not to pretend to be something you're not for someone else. And strength comes in all forms. I've seen it with words, in action, in everyday life, in knowing how to navigate through your life when things get muddy. You can also partake in this march or something like it. Or simply stand up for something you believe in without backing down just to make someone else's life easier.
          Also, don't hate on men. Most men I know are damn good people. Others aren't bad, they aren't aware, but they aren't bad. Enlighten them. Nicely. Show them, put them in a situation where they can see the crap you endure on a regular basis. They might actually start to understand. That's the only way, if they can see it first hand.
          There are a lot of women in my life that I would consider truly strong women. I am lucky to know them. If I had gone into detail, I would have lost the plot entirely. Instead I am just going to raise my giant eyebrow at them to show them my respect. And note them in here. They should know their strength has not gone unnoticed (no, not just by me..duh). Here goes: My aunts, my sister, my mother, my cousins, my grandmother. As for my friends who I wish I were in a position to see more often. I think the easiest way to do this is list the places: Jersey City, Portland (or just outside of it, I've never quite known), Denver, Melbourne, Sydney, Taichung, Weymouth, and Hingham. If I have forgotten someone (It's either because I don't know where you live anymore, or it's 3 in the morning and I'll probably revise it later)

Just been on my mind

1 comment:

  1. I started writing this about a week ago. Tonight I just editted it, well, okay I put the italics in and check the spelling. When I went to see if Michele Bachmann had 1 or 2 L's in it, I found an unsettling article. Ironically not related to her. Given the subject of this post, I think it would be remiss to not include the link to the article. We have a long way to go in this world. Not just for women, but for every minority. It's a sad truth. I first realized it as a child, but never understood it on an emotional level. I've only been able to learn a gazillion rationals for prejudice. Sometime, maybe we can learn from ourselves and leave our pasts and shed our fears and ignorances .... well, we'll see what tomorrow brings. It surely won't bring that!
    here's the link:
