Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Guapa Lady.....

          We have neighbors as everyone does. This is an area that actually acts like a neighborhood. People talk to each other. They even say, "Hi!" or stop to chat in town, in the market, etc. The last actions seem almost unthinkable or at least things to be dreaded in many of the places I have lived. I for one, enjoy it. I also dread it.
          Most often I actually look forward to it. I like people. I want to practice Spanish. I really adore my boyfriend's family (they are in this neck of the woods as well), and honestly, I'm nosey. I admit it. People fascinate me. I can hear 10 different versions of the same story and be equally intrigued, more so even. What?
          The occasions I hope to avoid are few. But they happen. One: if in a contemplative mood, I might just want to enjoy my thoughts whether it's my trip to the market or at home. Two: if I am stressed and/or in a hurry, I generally don't see anyone nor do I necessarily want to. Then I feel horribly rude when someone says something RIGHT as I pass by (and usually scares the crap out of me!). A close knit community has it's ups and downs like anything else. 
          Still, I enjoy my new stomping grounds and the people in it. Everyone with their own definite personality. That brings me to the point. There is one particular neighbor we have, Guapa Lady. I have two reasons for calling her this. First, I don't know her name. Second, she always calls me or someone else gaupa or guapo. Always. Repeatedly
          She invariably has a smile on her face when she greets you. Once the chatting begins, her intermittent laughter follows without fail. And of course she must call you guapa (or guapo) at least five times within every ten minute interval. Let's not forget that she will also refer to either your love, a family member, a friend of yours, or all of them as guapa as well. At least a few times. She is truly sweet. She hugs. She kisses. She leans in really close and then laughs herself to a normal distance away. But if you think she will talk herself out... you must be deluded. The woman can talk. And enjoys it. And frankly, I enjoy her enjoying it!
          Today, I was waiting outside for a potential student. This is not my normal habit, but as I am so absolutely horrible with Spanish on the phone I made a quick decision. I said I would wait outside. Low and behold, who walked by while I was lazily taking in the sun waiting for my student? Guapa Lady. 
          So, as I am sure you can imagine we started to chat. And chat. Finally two guys came and rang the bell next door, but I heard my name. I told Guapa Lady that these were the students I was waiting for. "Okay okay," was her reply, along with a pat on the arm.
          I went over and introduced myself, only to find Guapa Lady right behind me. True. She started talking to them, asking them what they wanted. Making jokes about the hairstyle that one of them had. Calling me guapa, but not to think anything because I have a boyfriend. He's guapo too. I just kept thinking, "Crap, I am not going to get the job!" Finally, she left as her husband made it known that he was still waiting for her (30 minutes later). The two guys (student and friend/translator) and I went next to the building to discuss the details of class; level of English, hours, days, etc.
          Before I could even say, "How many hours do you want?" Guapa Lady was already back. I didn't even see her coming, which is shocking really. My guess, she doesn't actually touch the ground when she walks. She started chatting again. The same, his hair, all of us were guapa, me especially, and let's not forget my boyfriend and that I'm taken (at one point the student did reply that he had a muy guapa girlfriend also!). Luckily these guys were laughing with her, and were quite engaged in the conversation. I felt like I was in one of those embarrassing family situations you just can't get out of. Weird right?
          The topics changed from her granddaughter and language, to hair again, and guapaness again. Finally after one last heads up from her hubby and a sweet compliment from my potential student (that I could swear put a bounce in her step), she was off. Talking as she went.
           In my head, all I could think was, "ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" But she was so charming, and so nice. Apparently, not I am not just living in a neighborhood. I am not just idly watching the folks talking and connecting with each other in that special way that only an openhearted community brought together by sheer proximity can do. Now I am a part of that clan. I am still on the fringe and possibly always will be. Even so, it's pretty neat. My hat's off to you, Guapa Lady.


    Definition: guapa/guapo- cute, pretty, handsome 
                                             (a man is guapo; a woman is guapa)
                      muy- very