Thursday, August 25, 2011

About my english in these posts....

          Recently I noticed that I have blog readers that I most likely don't know! For me this is quite exciting. First, let me say, "Hello!" to the person or people in Germany that have been reading my blog periodically. I hope you have not been bored too much! And thank you for reading.
          Second all of the sudden in the past week I noticed a bunch of views from Spain! My first reaction was, "Cool!" Then it occurred to me, maybe not so cool. There is no way for me to tell if it is just one person (who is REALLY interested- or appalled) by my writing, or if it is a bunch of people. There is also know way for me to tell who it is. However, I have one big worry.
          I happen to think this is an important worry. If any one of my reader(s) from Spain happen to be a student (or for that matter someone learning English), please DO NOT use my writing as a grammar lesson. What I teach and how I write are two very separate things. If you are a student, and you want to read these, by all means go ahead. There might be words to learn. Even so, look them up or ask me about them. There are phrases and words that I sometimes use that are just old jokes between family or friends. Those don't always mean anything at all in the English language. So, please.... know that this is not an English lesson.
          On a separate note.... who ever you are in Spain that is reading this.... I thank you! And I do hope you enjoy it! Hopefully I will have a real post up later.


1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry, I just looked at my views, and found, I have visits from the Ukraine.... Hello... and thank you too, for reading... I hope you enjoy these as well!!!
