Sunday, August 7, 2011

A fungus is definately among us.....heheheheh

           It's true. I have a problem. It's almost shameful. Well, okay that's really stretching it. The only thing shameful about it, is how I let it become such a problem. The weird thing is I used to be absolutely disgusted by everyone's feet. It was completely illogical. I knew it was. I could even look objectively at a beautiful foot, know it was gorgeous, and I would still be grossed out. (Some family members were not helpful, by way of torture- 'hi-ya, hi-ya, hi-ya.' You know who you are! heh,heh) Even though I hated feet, I still loved my own, call it a self-protect mechanism, call it whatever you want, but there it is. Just a bit nutty. It was one of my little quirks. Let's skip ahead shall we?!
           I was in Scotland when it started. I somehow acquired a toenail fungus. Yep. Ewwwww, is right. It appeared on only my cute little piggy toes at first. They just were a little thicker. However, I was poor, and I didn't know anything about toenail fungus, so I just thought I'd deal with it at another time. What the hell was I thinking? Apparently nothing brilliant. I believe this devious fungus needed a witches brew (if you will) to empower it's slow takeover of my toenails.
          This might just be the recipe that made it happen.... 
    One pair of leather water resistant work boots (great for letting your feet get a little wet and keeping that wet in. let's not forget that it's mixing in with foot sweat)
    One pair of sweaty feet
    A lot of dirty water
    A lot of cleaning agents mixed with dirty water
    A lot of disgusting moist things (that I tried my hardest NOT to know what substance they were- a useless waste of energy most of the time)
    8 to 9 hours of the night: cleaning toilets, showers, kitchens and mopping
    A wet dreary climate
            I am pretty sure that this is the perfect brew for something like a fungus to grow. That and the fact that my feet were always covered. When I wasn't wearing boots, I was wearing socks. I never had bare feet. I made people smell my feet, but they were socked.
           Eventually my big toenails started to get thick. And my middle toenails, well they just kind of got misshapen. Except one. My prize toe! I love that toe, and the nail on it! It's perfect. Okay I will stop now, but really I could win a prize. Of course everything is relative.
           Now we know the how. The amount of time? It took about 6 months after I first noticed it before I got home. After that another 3 months or so went by before I saw the doctor. He gave me a prescription cream, and told me to put tea tree oil on it. Cool. Problem solved. (and yes, it had gotten progressively worse over the 9 or so months I knew it existed) I even began to be self conscious. Why I don't know. I always, at least have socks on.
          Something about me when there is more than one option for curing an ailment.
The simple one that takes very little time, and preparation. I will kick arse. However, the other option (never as easy) which takes time, set up, is messy, just a general pain in the butt... I tend to get a little lazy about. Sometimes I do it, sometimes I don't. It's why I don't bother with make-up (okay, and I'm cheap) or doing my hair or IRONING. Get the idea? Low maintenance is a much better way to live for me. Back to the subject at hand.
           So as the years flew by, I managed to keep the fungus alive but not let it take over my feet. Working on it, then not. Trying new ideas. Alternating. I really don't even like to touch them with my bare hands. I am as irrational about my feet now, as I was about other people's feet before. Now my favourite things to switch between are bleach, rubbing alcohol, and vinegar. 
          When my boyfriend finally convinced me to let him see them, shockingly he didn't run away in fear! He has had quite a few good suggestions... hacksaw, grinding stone, chainsaw. In case you wanted a couple good if not dangerous ideas for dealing with your fungus. Heh,heh. I only wish I could torture him a little with them... but he is a very hard man to disgust! I love that about him. Moving on.
         Every so often, I will text my man and give him information he doesn't really need. Things like, 'Hey my REALLY big toenail, has grown an inch!' Which of course is a huge exaggeration. Okay it's a blatant lie and he knows it. But it is funny.
         It has unfortunately prevented me from taking full advantage of the beach. I am not a beach goer like a lot of other people. I generally like late afternoon or evenings. For me, baking like a lobster and looking like one later (I only have three tones: white, pink, and bright red) is not high on my list of FUN things. A group of people eating and swimming, that's fun. By myself, I'll stick to the cooler, less burny times of day. I do however have the option of beaching with people here. But I have been very tentative about showing my feet. Sad. But true.
        Luckily.....I finally found THE PRODUCT!!!!! I have tried sandpaper. Trimming helps, I even tried a file once (for filing metal). But most of these things will either do nothing or do plenty to rip your skin. Now I have solved my problem! I do have to have patience and force myself to work a little everyday on it. And even though it's only been a week, I have been quite religious about it! I may be on my way to conquering a fungus that was flourishing in the wet damp of my covered feet!
          The product is actually not for toenails or fungi at all. It is for feet though. It is made to sand off the corns, callouses, and anything else rough on the skin of your feet. It's got a comfortable grip handle (nice) and an oval head. It's flat but oval. The flat sides are both covered in something like sandpaper. And it's PERFECT! I know, given everything I have told you, you don't think I will continue to prevail in this war and the fungus in turn, will begin again to thrive. I am fully aware of my inadequacies in maintaining... well anything, but the results so far have been amazing! So what... I have to sweep afterwards... oh, is that too much info? Sorry. Well, no, I'm not really sorry. You doubted me. Enjoy the image!
           Now I bid you farewell. I intend to continue on, actively realizing my dream of fungus free toenails. I will not stop until the fungus is nullified! (over the top? well, it feels good that way!)
