Friday, July 15, 2011

Is it possible?

               First I will tell you all, I am a BIG dork. Yes, I'm a goofy, lovable (mostly), weird but normal, dork! You may have already figured that out. You might already know me, in which case, feel free to skip ahead. It is not a cut on myself I feel lucky that dorkiness is a part of who I am.
              Now that that's clear, my question, "Is it possible?", relates to my dorkiness. If I can manage to 'out dork' myself continually throughout my life, is it really possible to be even more dorky in a new language? I know, for me it's not hard to be a dork, for me it's a bit like melting ice cream. You can keep eating it. You can keep licking up the drips. However, you can not stop the ice cream from melting or your hands from getting sticky. It's just nature taking it's course.
             Well, on my way home from yet another interview today, I was thinking in Spanish again. I was trying however to think of things that might work as idioms or quick comebacks, etc.. All of the sudden this came to mind, '¡Habla!, a la mano.' Now, for those of you who don't know Spanish and even those of you who do....I'll translate what I was thinking. 'Talk to the hand!'
             The first problem with this: I have absolutely no idea if this works, not only in Spanish, but culturally. There is a second problem, which might even big a bigger one. If I can't even manage to say it in English with convincing attitude, what in the world makes me think that I could in any way, shape or form pull it off in a language I am JUST beginning to get a grip on? You see the problem right?
              Unfortunately, it is now stuck in my head. It's rattling around there just looking for a chance to leap out of my mouth at the most inopportune moment. I can just feel it. So really that is where the question truly begins. That moment, the one that may or may not happen. If the time comes, and those words fly ridiculously through the air at someone... and I of course start laughing at my own joke (because I AM a dork!).
             Have I then become a bigger dork in my second language?

Food for thought anyway.

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