Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Boys wil be boys....heeheehee

              I know this may not be an entry of a disturbing incident, deep emotion, or even anything shocking. I absolutely have to tell it though. It's quick and silly, but anyone who remembers their youth at all or anyone who has a child will be able to chuckle at this.
              After getting my groceries and desperately needed toilet paper, I started on my short walk home. It must have rained quickly whilst I was in the store, because the streets were wet but not soaked. Of course, I slipped right as I passed a few people... which made me laugh out loud, and made them look at me like I was crazy- go figure. (although that's not the funny part, it was amusing)
             Now, as I'm crossing the street, I'm wondering why me laughing at myself was crazy. So I began trying to form a question-answer conversation about it in Spanish. I only got part way through the first question when something grabbed my attention. I was crossing the street, but I noticed there was a car who had stopped in the middle of the street. He was looking at something over to the side, with a big grin and shaking his head in amusement.
           Then I heard it. A woman, she was saying something in Spanish that I couldn't quite get. Her voice was loud but she wasn't yelling. Her tone was like a recipe. If you take a bit of exasperation, a tiny bit of weariness, a healthy dose of amusement that is trying desperately to be hidden, a dash of parental control (which she couldn't truly put her heart into because I think she was a too amused and quite tired), and finally a spoonful of, 'i just lost the battle', that was the voice I heard. So, I knew there had to be a child around somewhere.
          As I got a little closer, I first noticed on the opposite side of the street several passers-by were politely trying to hide their amusement. Now, I can see tiny little legs a few feet from adult legs in a dress, behind a truck... this must be them. But wait, it's not just that. Those tiny little legs were accompanied by a stream of liquid going straight into a drain in the driveway. And this was not just your regular, 'I have to go and can't wait....' He was having fun!
          I could see circles, squares, and I believe he might have started aiming for certain spots on the drain. I had now come to the edge of the truck though, so I didn't want to stare.
          I could not for the life of me, get the silly grin off my face. I was giggling away. I couldn't help myself. If only, as adults, we could all find something as goofy to do (maybe not peeing in the streets), but fun and silly. We might be a lot less stressed out. Just sayin'.

I had to write about this. It couldn't go without telling, even if I didn't do it justice. I walked back hoping to see someone I knew to tell it to. I realized I could tell the whole story except for the word "pee". No matter how I came at the sentence I couldn't explain it well. The best way to explain it would have been action. Unfortunately that same action can be taken in a very different way. So I decided to button my lip and wait for an English moment, then learn the word for pee in Spanish.

Hope you giggled just a little

1 comment:

  1. I looked it up, 'hacer pis' or 'hacer pipís' is the way to say, 'to pee' in spanish. However, I have not yet checked with anyone I know who speaks Spanish to see if this is really used, or if it is used the same way we use it in English. It is in the English/Spanish dictionary.
