Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ants... can tilt the world? Mom, have a theory?

                 You know that trick with the piece of salt and the salt shaker? People love to do it at bars and diners. If you balance the salt shaker just right on that one grain of salt, it will stand up. This little post is for my mom. Heh,heh. 

                I was just checking on the ants in the apartment. They are still there. Bummer. This morning it looked like the problem had cleared up on it's own. Apparently they were just playing with my emotions. Dastardly buggers.
               When I first went looking, I did think they were gone. I didn't see the normal stream coming from under the door. But it was there, just not as steady. I did notice however, they weren't going to the wicker table though. That's nice.
               I thought this is perfect. The less ants the better. And if they aren't in the wicker table anymore, they aren't anywhere near the sofa! Bonus! So, I figured I would sit and watch a little T.V. to get my mind off things. I thought zoning out right about now would be a good thing.
              OHHHHH contraire....silly kimber. What could I have been thinking? Really, couldn't I have at least turned the light on in the room before sitting down and getting all comfy? Nope, is the answer. Instead, I turned on the T.V., brought my water out had the remote in hand and got in the most comfortable position I could all in under a minute. Quite speedy for me really.
             By the time I had flipped a couple stations, I felt something on my arm, probably a hair- I tend to shed a lot. I knew however it would annoy me to no end if I did not get it, so I grabbed it. What I found in my hand was a freshly squeezed ant. Not happy. So now the real questions are: Do I continue on, happily in blissful ignorance by keeping the lights out? or Do I turn on the lights and check out the couch, because there might be more ants there (which will inevitably also crawl on me)?
           I chose the latter. There were a couple more. I was however interrupted in my search for the source. (I had not found even a clue as to where the source was as of yet.) I am not at all unhappy about having to quickly abandon my search mission. As you can see, I didn't exactly return to it. My theory is they might be all along the back of the couch and underneath. The torment!
          Now without really knowing anything for sure I am only left to speculate. Heh. What I do know: They like the potting soil a lot. They like the tidbits of dry plants that have fallen into the wicker. And I know that I have not swept under the couch for a while. We live on a heavily travelled road across from the beach. Constant sweeping is a necessity. Those are the things I know, or think I know. 
         Given these facts, we can assume that they are doing something useful. Of course, anyone who has ever seen a documentary about ants, would know that ants are very utilitarian creatures. I personally might surmise that they might want to torture me a little. I do truly believe, that, that is only because I enjoy saying that sort of thing! It sounds much better! Let's go with that though, they want to torture me a little bit. No, ants don't seem innately evil, maybe we should say they are thinking of playing some sort of nasty tricks on me. That's more like an ant, right? How the hell should I know? I can't even hear the noises they make. Moving on.
         They want to play tricks on me. And they are doing something useful. To do something useful, you must have a plan- but being ants, it's probably not a plan as you and I think of it. It's probably more of a relay of sounds, movement, and solidarity that ends up working perfectly when all is said and done. Let's forget about the plan shall we. The dirt. What is it about the dirt? It will take those little guys forever to get all that dirt out of here. Especially if they are also concentrating on other things (i.e.- dried plants, and weird stuff behind a couch, and a dorky human). 
        I'm thinking of letting them stay, IF they just stay in that room. Maybe they will get all the dirt out. Maybe they will get it all the way across the road. Maybe they will get it across the railway. And MAYBE they will get it to the beach. Will they be lying in wait for me there? If they are, will they have built a couch out of sand and dirt that matches the one in my apartment? Possibly with a "sand-kimber" sitting on it? I fear the answers to those questions... but I would rather any of those possibilities, than the possibility of them taking over the apartment. Or crawling through my orifices at night. That one really creeps me out, I like to pretend it's an urban legend.
       The question I must ask my mother is: If they do successfully get all the dirt, dried plants, and weird stuff from behind the couch out to the beach. Then logically, the beach would weigh more, right? And so follows, my apartment would weigh less, right? If it had also rained hard the night before the last bit of dirt was brought to the beach, so that water and mud from the mountains washed down to the beach... mom, do you think the world would start to tilt?



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