Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cuddling- what you don't see in the movies....

          There are so many things that happen in relationships. The good, the bad, the sex (heh,heh) and the funny! The funny is what I'm talking about today. Oh, don't winge about it, I know you were hoping for the sex!
          If any of you out there watch cheesy movies (or have been forced to by your significant others), you have seen many cuddly moments. Cuddle moments are sweet. Both people look happy. They look completely comfortable, in all ways. There have been times that I secretly and embarrassingly have hoped for moments like these. Shut it!
          The things I never noticed until recently, is that no one ever talks about that part of their relationship. Maybe they don't think it's funny. I however do. Shocker. I recently have experienced a few of these moments. I would like to share.
          First I will go with spooning. As wonderful as spooning is for a short time, it can be uncomfortable for a longer period of time. That is not the funny part. There are several things that can become unseemly during this special time. And they have!
          One: If the person being spooned (the inside) farts. It was a surprise fart, what could I do? 
          Two: If the spooner (person in back) sweetly puts his arm around you and rests his hand on your stomach, you should be sure you don't have indigestion. The sounds your stomach were making (that you were hoping he wouldn't notice), now they are definitely noticed. And felt.
           Now I will move away from the bed. Cuddling on the couch whilst reading or watching t.v. seems so lovely doesn't it? But before we even worry about comfort, let's think about logistics. We have hurdles to cross.
           We have the length and width of the couch to contend with. Is there an ottoman, coffee table, two small tables, or nothing in front of the couch? Or are there only two love seats? As I cannot speak for anyone else I will just speak for me. I will also make this the last example, because it should be the focus. It's awesome.
           Our couch is of average length but very wide (which I very much enjoy). We have two small tables in front of the couch. That is the set up. The odd part is that although the couch is average length, it only has two cushions. If either of us want to sit straight up we need to sit smack in the middle of a cushion. If we don't mind sitting on an angle, slowly sliding into the crack.... well then we can sit closer to the other person.
          Sometimes I sit a little closer. And as a result crooked. I have done this more recently as it has gotten chillier and sharing body heat is always nice (for many reasons, heh). A week or so ago, I decided to put my head on my sexy man's lap. It just seemed natural. And honestly, my arm was in danger of falling asleep, in addition to a small pain in my cheek from lovingly leaning on his shoulder. (I am also pretty sure he was not overly comfortable in that position either, but was too nice to say so.)
          So there my head lays. His hand naturally resting alternately on my head and waist, gently. Just like a movie. Humffff. Then it started. Apparently his stomach makes noises like mine does when spooning. The big difference being that when your ear is right up against it, it is as if you are listening with your ear attached to a giant speaker. Vibrations and everything. I stuck with it though, his hand on my waist was so sweet . Then I noticed something else.
          First I noticed he was shifting a little here and there as if my head might have the weight of the entire earth to it. It's possible I come from a large headed family. Or maybe just one piece of my head was pointy and stabbing his leg. Or possibly my head was heating his nether regions to point in which he felt like they had been stuck in a sauna- but not in a good way. I have no way of knowing. Also I realized I could only see the edges of the t.v. screen and two feet. I like my boyfriend's feet don't get me wrong, but I need the English subtitles when I can't understand something that is said in Spanish. This occurs about half the time now. Sad but true.
          So there you have it. The unfortunate drawbacks of cuddling. There are so many more, yet I am sure to try again in different ways. And there are some cuddling moments that have been perfect. They however are not at all funny, but sweet, personal and comfortable. I am sure some of you can relate. If you would like to share, I would truly enjoy a story or two, if not I hope you get a laugh from mine!


   I must apologize for my lack of writing.... I am working on my new schedule.... be patient. Please.

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