Sunday, September 4, 2011

Finally I braved the Beach!!!!!

          I am a person who does not tan. I begin with the glow of the moon (that description might be considered... 'poetic license' ). In fact, I start off so white I have fears that I could blind people when the reflection of the sun hits me. When people here started telling me I should be wearing a bikini (because it seems to be a cultural prerequisite) I kept wishing I could communicate to them how much of a hazard that could be. Just walking on the sidewalk, a car could veer off the road from the glare of my stomach! I think my dad put it best when he said, "He isn't allowed to go shirtless within 20 miles of an airport." I'm sure this is just a safety precaution!
         I do change colour as everyone does however. I turn varying shades of pink. Then I turn red. Red hurts. And is itchy. Try scratching the most extreme rug burn you've ever had. Not fun. That is why the idea of lying out in the sun baking does not really appeal to me. I don't get that beautiful brown like most people for one. In the end I end up, sweaty, bored, and finally, looking like a lobster. And pain. Right, let me run right out!
          I do love the smell, sound and feel of the water. I don't even mind the giant amounts of sand that sometimes fill your bathing suit. It's worth it. But when I'm by myself, I have two choices. I can go out get wet and get bored, fairly quickly. Or I can swim for exercise. I hate swimming for exercise. I find it tedious. Oddly I wish I liked it, for me it would be the best way to keep in shape. But all I can think is, "Back, and forth, back and forth, really, I haven't gotten back yet?, oh okay finally, forth, back..." etc.
          I have gone to the beach this summer. Only to take leisurely strolls in the evening (once the heat has gone down). Sometimes I bring a book out or study Spanish. I wouldn't call that 'real beach going' though. The other day I finally went to the beach for real. The first time this summer. I loved it! I went with my boyfriend. It really makes all the difference when you have someone to go with. We went in the middle of the day. Shockingly, I did not burn to a crisp. (Right, pick yourselves up off the floor.) I had forgotten, HOW good it really feels to swim in the ocean. And how quickly a wave can surprise you! Luckily I like the taste of salt water. Heh, heh. And I had someone to play with. I know it sounds silly, but there it is.
           On the beach, I also had someone to talk to, joke with, and listen to music with. That made a huge difference. I didn't mind the heat so much. I had someone to help me with my lotion (more importantly remind me to reapply). For the first time in a long time I had fun going to the beach- as a real beach goer!
          Any trials and tribulations, you ask? Well, I didn't burn as I mentioned. I also barely tanned. I was even laughed at when I jokingly pointed out how tan my legs had gotten, the next day. I will admit to getting a little beaten up though. In the water doesn't count. The rocky bottom, you are lucky or unlucky if your foot catches a rock wrong. (I was a little unlucky, not a lot). On our way to the beach I pulled a brilliant Kimber move, if ever there was one! As we were walking, I stepped on the edge of the sidewalk. You know, where the sidewalk meets the sand. I just sort of toppled down. Okay, I slammed down with a BAMMMM straight to my knees! Soooo cool am I! Maybe, that's why I was spared the sunburn for the day!
          That was my day. I enjoyed it immensely. I hope you are taking a day here and there to delight in something of your own choosing!


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